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Safety Precautions Taken by Acoustical Vision in Response to COVID-19


The team at Acoustical Vision is keeping an eye on all the latest news about the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and around the world, and we are taking all necessary precautions to keep our employees, clients and community safe during this time. Health precautions and protocols in line with WHO and CDC directives are taking place throughout our organization to reduce the spread of disease. Every day our team reviews up-to-date recommendations to ensure we’re doing everything to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Lighting Control System: Practicality Meets Ease


A lighting control system is a state–of–the–art solution that significantly enhances your indoor environment by fixing a lot of lighting inconveniences. Learn why you need a lighting control system in Elmhurst, IL.

Dolby Atmos: How it has changed the audio landscape


The Dolby Atmos sound system has been used to create an immersive 3D sound experience in major theaters since 2012. Today, you can get this impressive surround in your home and bring that theater sound effect in your living room. Learn why Dolby Atmos is the best choice for your whole home audio setup in River Forest, IL.

Why Is Construction Prewiring So Important for Your Smart Home?


We’ll Discuss How Prewiring Lays a Foundation, Adds Flexibility and Avoids Hassle

You’ve recently decided it’s time to build a home in Elmhurst, Illinois. You’ve done some of the hard work of shopping neighborhoods, looking at school districts and coordinating the perfect blueprint design with your architect. But when it comes to building your home, you have more to consider before settling in, especially if you want an efficient, scalable and reliable smart home configuration.

Construction prewiring, much like home plumbing fixtures, can save you a lot of hassle when crossed off your list as early as possible. For instance, when was the last time you renovated a kitchen or a bathroom? Those tasks are costly, painstaking and time-consuming. Prewiring ensures a smoother-running network that brings you faster connectivity and more robust security tools - not to mention the connectivity needed to boost your indoor and outdoor entertainment. If you’re ready to learn more, we give you a few convincing reasons to prioritize construction prewiring below.


Whole Home Audio Elevates Your Kitchen’s Atmosphere


Listen to Your Favorite Tunes While Preparing Your Next Meal

Kitchen Music

Regardless of whether you are an enthusiastic chef or a committed beginner, you are likely to spend a lot of your daytime in the kitchen preparing all sorts of unique delights for the ones you love. However, apart from being fun, sometimes cooking can also get quite boring.

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